Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Back to my Roots

First all thank you for all the Birthday Love! The lovely messages, e cards, and pictures turned an otherwise rather boring day into a very special one (and don't worry I will have a party on the weekend).

Now on to what this post is actually about. For the last few months I tried to embrace my natural brown hair. When I first got my hair cut into a pixie last year, it was the light shade of blonde that it had been for almost three years before the crop, and I loved it - but I soon realized that dark roots are a lot more noticeable in short hair, then they were in the messy bob I had before. 

Because I couldn't imagine getting touch ups every five weeks, it was back to nature. And I liked it, it looked good, it was easy...

...it just wasn't very me.

So I made an appointment for the end of the week, and this picture of the lovely Carey Mulligan proves that minimal upkeep can be more than enough.

Does she rock the roots, or what? 
Peace, Love, and Cupcakes

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